Tag Archive | food

Healthy (and non-healthy) Holiday Treats

It’s that time of the year again…it’s the Holiday’s!!

This is a time to kick back and relax as you attend countless family and social gatherings and lets not forget of course about the feasting! Sadly with all the lovely Holiday feasting and dinning that occurs between Thanksgiving acute_snowflakend New Years studies have shown that people on average can gain up to 1 pound in weight!

Now you might consider that a relatively low number, one pound, but a pound a year over several years can add up rather quickly!

So here are some Holiday treats that you should probably avoid and others to love 🙂

Try to avoid this tempting treats…

Eggnog: This oh so tasty treat may tantalize your taste buds, but consider this before having a glass…one 8-oz (~250mL) serving can exceed 250 calories and 5g of saturated fat! Throw around the idea of having a small glass of red wine or some light fruit juice as an alternative 🙂


Dips: Though they are extremely delicious you never actually know what can be lurking within them…extra extra cheese…heavy cream? The only thing that is not a mystery about them is the fact that they are like a chorus of angels in your mouth when you eat it. As an alternative to the mystery dip try hummus or a home made salsa instead.

Now for some Healthy Alternatives!

Sweet Potatoes:  These yummy powerhouses are absolutely delicious! and they taste like dessert!! Packed with an assortment of healthy nutrients you can swap out your regular potatoes and add these guys in to amplify the taste and you can cut back on added sugars too!

Cocoa: Chocolate lovers will love this one, in moderation of course.  Studies have shown that having a small amount of chocolate (the darker the better) can actually lower your blood pressure!


So remember this Holiday season to watch what you are treating on and look out for these guys! Maybe you’ll save yourself a pound if you do! 🙂